Newdays Mart, the 24/7 convenience store with its grand opening on 18th August 2018 is located next to Asiago Hotel. The slogan said Easy Meal, Easy Shopping.Customers can purchase domestic & imported retailing snacks & drinks with lifestyle products from around the world, particularly China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand and from Malaysia too. Newdays Mart is offering customers with its variety flavours fresh hot & cold drinks for ice cream, juice, snow melt, coffee, Milo & Teh Tarik. The breakfast is served with fresh meals such as nasi lemak, nasi lemak goreng ayam, bihun mee, sandwich & steamed pao. And also local snacks with hot dog & oden. The customers can either take way nor take meals at premises. On the convenience amenities area, the many aisles stock snacks, grocery and drinks to meet the needs for all races & ages. Stay tune for updates of our new concept store!